12 September 2024

Government job exam preparation test| Talati/clerk exam online preparation – naukridarshan.in | test2529

Quiz Topic : ગુજરાતનો સાંસ્કૃતિક વારસો

Total questions : 20 mcqs for government job exam


Quiz Application

Gujaratno sanskrutik varso: 01

Topic : ગુજરાતનો સાંસ્કૃતિક વારસો

કુલ પ્રશ્નો : 20

દરેક પ્રશ્ન માટે 30 Sec નો સમય છે.

Time’s Up

Quiz Result

by naukridarshan.in

Total Questions:





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margin: 10px 0 15px; } } </style> </head> <body> <div class=”quiz-home-box custom-box show”> <h4> Gujaratno sanskrutik varso: 01</h4> <h4>Topic : ગુજરાતનો સાંસ્કૃતિક વારસો</h4> <h4>કુલ પ્રશ્નો : 20</h4> <h4>દરેક પ્રશ્ન માટે 30 Sec નો સમય છે. </h4> <button class=”start-quiz-btn btn” type=”button”>Start The Quiz</button> </div> <div class=”quiz-box custom-box”> <div class=”stats”> <div class=”quiz-time”> <div class=”remaining-time”></div> <span class=”time-up-text”>Time’s Up</span> </div> <div class=”score-board”> <span class=”score-text”>score:</span> <span class=”correct-answer”></span> </div> </div> <div class=”question-box”> <div class=”current-question-num”> </div> <div class=”question-text”> </div> </div> <div class=”option-box”> </div> <div class=”answer-description”> </div> <div class=”next-question”> <button class=”next-question-btn btn” type=”button”>Next question</button> <button class=”see-result-btn btn” type=”button”>See Your Result</button> </div> </div> <div class=”quiz-over-box custom-box”> <h1>Quiz Result</h1> <span style=”font-family: Varela Round;”><span style=”color: #4b4f56; font-weight: 600; text-align: justify; user-select: initial;”>by naukridarshan.in</span></span> <h4>Total Questions: <span class=”total-questions”></span></h4> <h4>Attempt: <span class=”total-attempt”></span></h4> <h4>Correct: <span class=”total-correct”></span></h4> <h4>Wrong: <span class=”total-wrong”></span></h4> <h4>Percentage: <span class=”percentage”></span></h4> <button class=”start-again-quiz-btn btn” type=”button”>Start Again</button> <button class=”go-home-btn btn” type=”button”>Go To Home</button> </div> <script> const questionText=document.querySelector(“.question-text”); const optionBox=document.querySelector(“.option-box”); const currentQuestionNum=document.querySelector(“.current-question-num”); const answerDescription=document.querySelector(“.answer-description”); const nextQuestionBtn=document.querySelector(“.next-question-btn”); const correctAnswers=document.querySelector(“.correct-answer”); const seeResultBtn=document.querySelector(“.see-result-btn”); const remainingTime=document.querySelector(“.remaining-time”); const timeUpText=document.querySelector(“.time-up-text”); const quizHomeBox=document.querySelector(“.quiz-home-box”); const quizBox=document.querySelector(“.quiz-box”); const quizOverBox=document.querySelector(“.quiz-over-box”); const startAgainQuizBtn=document.querySelector(“.start-again-quiz-btn”); const goHomeBtn=document.querySelector(“.go-home-btn”); const startQuizBtn=document.querySelector(“.start-quiz-btn”); let attempt=0; let questionIndex=0; let score=0; let number=0; let myArray=[]; let interval; // You can put Questions Here // answer id 1-0, 2-1, 3-2, 4-3, myApp=[ { question:’ ઈ.સ.1922મ&#2750;&#2690; &#8220;ગ&#2753;જર&#2750;ત&#8221; મ&#2750;સ&#2751;કન&#2763; પ&#2765;ર&#2750;ર&#2690;ભ ક&#2763;ણ&#2759; કર&#2765;ય&#2763; હત&#2763;?’, options:[‘ સ&#2753;ર&#2759;શ જ&#2763;શ&#2752;’,’ ર&#2750;.વ&#2751;.પ&#2750;ઠક’,’ ગ&#2750;&#2690;ધ&#2752;જ&#2752;’,’ કન&#2760;ય&#2750;લ&#2750;લ મ&#2753;નશ&#2752;’], answer:3 }, { question:’ શ&#2750;રદ&#2750;પ&#2752;ઠ ન&#2752;ચ&#2759;ન&#2750;મ&#2750;&#2690;થ&#2752; કય&#2750; સ&#2765;થળ&#2759; આવ&#2759;લ&#2753;&#2690; છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ પ&#2753;ર&#2752;’,’ બદ&#2765;ર&#2752;ન&#2750;થ’,’ શ&#2765;ર&#2752;ન&#2750;થદ&#2765;વ&#2750;ર&#2750;’,’ દ&#2765;વ&#2750;રક&#2750;’], answer:3 }, { question:’ &#8220;ભવ&#2750;ઈ&#8221; મ&#2750;&#2690; ક&#2759;વ&#2752; વ&#2750;ર&#2765;ત&#2750;ન&#2763; સમ&#2750;વ&#2759;શ કરવ&#2750;મ&#2750;&#2690; આવ&#2759; છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ કટ&#2750;ક&#2765;ષ’,’ ભક&#2765;ત&#2751;રસ’,’ ઉપદ&#2759;શ’,’ સમ&#2750;જદર&#2765;પણ’], answer:3 }, { question:’ દ&#2760;ન&#2751;ક વર&#2765;તમ&#2750;નનત&#2765;રમ&#2750;&#2690; પ&#2765;રસ&#2751;દ&#2765;ધ થત&#2752; &#8220;સ&#2765;પ&#2759;ક&#2765;ટ&#2765;ર&#2763;મ&#2752;ટર&#8221; ક&#2763;લમન&#2750; લ&#2759;ખક ક&#2763;ણ છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ અશ&#2763;ક દવ&#2759;’,’ દ&#2763;લત ભટ&#2765;ટ’,’ ડ&#2763;. ક&#2753;મ&#2750;રપ&#2750;ળ દ&#2759;સ&#2750;ઈ’,’ જય વસ&#2750;વડ&#2750;’], answer:3 }, { question:’ તરણ&#2759;તરન&#2763; મ&#2759;ળ&#2763; કય&#2750; જ&#2751;લ&#2765;લ&#2750;મ&#2750;&#2690; ભર&#2750;ય છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ સ&#2753;ર&#2759;ન&#2765;દ&#2765;રનગર’,’ ર&#2750;જક&#2763;ટ’,’ અમર&#2759;લ&#2752;’,’ ભ&#2750;વનગર’], answer:0 }, { question:’ શબર&#2752; ક&#2753;&#2690;ભમ&#2759;ળ&#2750;ન&#2753;&#2690; સ&#2765;થળ ગ&#2753;જર&#2750;તન&#2750; કય&#2750; જ&#2751;લ&#2765;લ&#2750;મ&#2750;&#2690; આવ&#2759;લ&#2753;&#2690; છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ ડ&#2750;&#2690;ગ’,’ બન&#2750;સક&#2750;&#2690;ઠ&#2750;’,’ દ&#2750;હ&#2763;દ’,’ ભર&#2754;ચ’], answer:0 }, { question:’ ચ&#2751;ત&#2765;ર વ&#2751;ચ&#2751;ત&#2765;રન&#2763; પ&#2765;ર&#2750;ર&#2690;ભ&#2751;ક લ&#2763;કમ&#2759;ળ&#2763; ન&#2752;ચ&#2759;ન&#2750;મ&#2750;&#2690;થ&#2752; કય&#2750; સ&#2765;થળ&#2759; ભર&#2750;ય છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ પ&#2763;સ&#2752;ન&#2750;’,’ ગ&#2753;ણભ&#2750;ખર&#2752;’,’ શ&#2750;મળ&#2750;જ&#2752;’,’ મ&#2759;ઘર&#2750;જ’], answer:1 }, { question:’ ચ&#2763;રવ&#2750;ડ અન&#2759; વ&#2759;ર&#2750;વળન&#2752; ખ&#2750;રવણ બહ&#2759;ન&#2763; દ&#2765;વ&#2750;ર&#2750; કય&#2753;&#2690; ન&#2755;ત&#2765;ય કરવ&#2750;મ&#2750;&#2690; આવ&#2759; છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ હમચ&#2752; ન&#2755;ત&#2765;ય’,’ મ&#2759;ર ન&#2755;ત&#2765;ય’,’ મ&#2759;ર&#2750;ય&#2763;’,’ ટ&#2751;પ&#2765;પણ&#2752; ન&#2755;ત&#2765;ય’], answer:3 }, { question:’ 1893મ&#2750;&#2690; શ&#2751;ક&#2750;ગ&#2763;મ&#2750;&#2690; ભર&#2750;ય&#2759;લ&#2752; ઐત&#2751;હ&#2750;સ&#2751;ક વ&#2751;શ&#2765;વધર&#2765;મ પર&#2751;ષદન&#2752; સલ&#2750;હક&#2750;ર સમ&#2751;ત&#2751;મ&#2750;&#2690; ક&#2763;ન&#2752; ન&#2751;મણ&#2754;ક કરવ&#2750;મ&#2750;&#2690; આવ&#2752; હત&#2752;?’, options:[‘ સ&#2765;વ&#2750;મ&#2752; વ&#2751;વ&#2759;ક&#2750;ન&#2690;દ’,’ મણ&#2752;લ&#2750;લ’,’ ર&#2750;જ&#2750; ર&#2750;મમ&#2763;હનર&#2750;ય’,’ એકપણ નહ&#2752;&#2690;’], answer:1 }, { question:’ ગ&#2753;જર&#2750;તન&#2763; સ&#2764;થ&#2752; મ&#2763;ટ&#2763; મહ&#2759;લ કય&#2763; છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ વ&#2751;જય પ&#2759;લ&#2759;સ’,’ લક&#2765;ષ&#2765;મ&#2752; વ&#2751;લ&#2750;સ’,’ પ&#2765;ર&#2750;ગ મહ&#2759;લ’,’ સય&#2750;જ&#2752; પ&#2759;લ&#2759;સ’], answer:1 }, { question:’ ન&#2752;ચ&#2759;ન&#2750;મ&#2750;&#2690;થ&#2752; કય&#2750; સ&#2765;થળ&#2759; ય&#2753;ન&#2759;સ&#2765;ક&#2763;એ &#8220;વર&#2765;લ&#2765;ડ હ&#2759;ર&#2751;ટ&#2759;જ સ&#2750;ઇટ&#8221; તર&#2752;ક&#2759; જ&#2750;હ&#2759;ર કર&#2752; છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ અડ&#2750;લજન&#2752; વ&#2750;વ’,’ જ&#2753;ન&#2750;ગઢન&#2763; ઉપરક&#2763;ટ ક&#2751;લ&#2765;લ&#2763;’,’ ર&#2750;ણ&#2752;ન&#2752; વ&#2750;વ’,’ ક&#2750;&#2690;કર&#2751;ય&#2750; તળ&#2750;વ’], answer:2 }, { question:’ ગ&#2753;જર&#2750;તન&#2750; પ&#2765;ર&#2750;ચ&#2752;ન નગર &#8220;આન&#2690;દપ&#2753;ર&#8221; આધ&#2753;ન&#2751;ક ન&#2750;મ શ&#2753;&#2690; છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ જ&#2753;ન&#2750;ગઢ’,’ આણ&#2690;દ’,’ પ&#2750;ટણ’,’ વડનગર’], answer:3 }, { question:’ &#8220;વરસ&#2750;દ લ&#2750;વવ&#2750; મ&#2750;ટ&#2759; ગવ&#2750;ત&#2763; ર&#2750;ગ&#8221; શબ&#2765;દ સમ&#2754;હ મ&#2750;ટ&#2759; એક શબ&#2765;દ એટલ&#2759;………?’, options:[‘ દ&#2751;પક’,’ ભ&#2760;રવ&#2752;’,’ મલ&#2765;હ&#2750;ર’,’ જ&#2765;ય&#2763;ત&#2751;’], answer:2 }, { question:’ પ&#2754;. મ&#2763;ર&#2750;ર&#2752;બ&#2750;પ&#2753;ન&#2750; જન&#2765;મ સ&#2765;થળન&#2753;&#2690; ન&#2750;મ જણ&#2750;વ&#2763;?’, options:[‘ તલગ&#2750;જરડ&#2750;’,’ ભ&#2750;વનગર’,’ મહ&#2753;વ&#2750;’,’ બ&#2763;ટ&#2750;દ’], answer:0 }, { question:’ નર&#2765;મદ&#2750; નદ&#2752;મ&#2750;&#2690; આવ&#2759;લ સ&#2750;ધ&#2753;બ&#2759;ટ પર કય&#2750; મહ&#2750;પ&#2753;ર&#2753;ષન&#2752; વ&#2751;શ&#2765;વમ&#2750;&#2690; સ&#2764;થ&#2752; ઉ&#2690;ચ&#2752; પ&#2765;રત&#2751;મ&#2750; બન&#2750;વ&#2752; છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ લ&#2750;લ બહ&#2750;દ&#2753;ર શ&#2750;સ&#2765;ત&#2765;ર&#2752;’,’ સરદ&#2750;ર વલ&#2765;લભભ&#2750;ઈ પટ&#2759;લ’,’ ગ&#2750;&#2690;ધ&#2752;જ&#2752;’,’ જવ&#2750;હરલ&#2750;લ ન&#2759;હર&#2753;’], answer:1 }, { question:’ ગ&#2753;જર&#2750;તન&#2753;&#2690; કય&#2753;&#2690; શહ&#2759;ર &#8220;સ&#2750;ક&#2765;ષરભ&#2754;મ&#2751;&#8221; તર&#2752;ક&#2759; ઓળખ&#2750;ય&#2759;લ&#2753;&#2690; છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ ખ&#2759;ડ&#2750;’,’ વડ&#2763;દર&#2750;’,’ નડ&#2751;ય&#2750;દ’,’ આન&#2690;દ’], answer:2 }, { question:’ ગ&#2753;જર&#2750;ત ર&#2750;જ&#2765;યન&#2752; સ&#2764;થ&#2752; મ&#2763;ટ&#2752; ય&#2753;ન&#2751;વર&#2765;સ&#2751;ટ&#2752; કઇ છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ ગ&#2753;જર&#2750;ત આય&#2753;ર&#2765;વ&#2759;દ ય&#2753;ન&#2751;વર&#2765;સ&#2751;ટ&#2752;’,’ ગ&#2753;જર&#2750;ત ય&#2753;ન&#2751;વર&#2765;સ&#2751;ટ&#2752;’,’ સ&#2764;ર&#2750;ષ&#2765;ટ&#2765;ર ય&#2753;ન&#2751;વર&#2765;સ&#2751;ટ&#2752;’,’ ઉત&#2765;તર ગ&#2753;જર&#2750;ત ય&#2753;ન&#2751;વર&#2765;સ&#2751;ટ&#2752;’], answer:1 }, { question:’ શ&#2754;લપ&#2750;ણ&#2759;શ&#2765;વર ત&#2752;ર&#2765;થ કઈ નદ&#2752;ન&#2750; ક&#2751;ન&#2750;ર&#2759; આવ&#2759;લ&#2753;&#2690; છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ નર&#2765;મદ&#2750;’,’ ત&#2750;પ&#2752;’,’ મહ&#2752;’,’ સરસ&#2765;વત&#2752;’], answer:0 }, { question:’ ગ&#2753;જર&#2750;તમ&#2750;&#2690; પ&#2753;સ&#2765;તક&#2750;લય શર&#2754; કરવ&#2750;ન&#2763; શ&#2765;ર&#2759;ય ક&#2763;ન&#2759; ફ&#2750;ળ&#2759; જ&#2750;ય છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ નર&#2765;મદ’,’ સ&#2753;રસ&#2751;&#2690;હજ&#2752; ગ&#2763;હ&#2751;લ’,’ મ&#2763;ત&#2752;ભ&#2750;ઇ અમ&#2752;ન’,’ ઉમ&#2750;શ&#2690;કર જ&#2763;શ&#2752;’], answer:2 }, { question:’ ગ&#2753;જર&#2750;તમ&#2750;&#2690; કય&#2750; સ&#2765;થળ&#2759; 1200 વર&#2765;ષથ&#2752; પવ&#2751;ત&#2765;ર અગ&#2765;ન&#2751; પ&#2765;રજ&#2765;વલ&#2751;ત છ&#2759;?’, options:[‘ સ&#2753;રત’,’ ન&#2750;ર&#2750;યણ સર&#2763;વર’,’ ગલત&#2759;શ&#2765;વર’,’ ઉદવ&#2750;ડ&#2750;’], answer:3 }, ] function load(){ number++; questionText.innerHTML=myApp[questionIndex].question; creatOptions(); scoreBoard(); currentQuestionNum.innerHTML=number + “/” +myApp.length; } function creatOptions(){ optionBox.innerHTML=””; let animationDelay=0.2; for(let i=0; i<myApp[questionIndex].options.length; i++){ const option=document.createElement(“div”); option.innerHTML=myApp[questionIndex].options[i]; option.classList.add(“option”); option.id=i; option.style.animationDelay=animationDelay + “s”; animationDelay=animationDelay+0.2; option.setAttribute(“onclick”,”check(this)”); optionBox.appendChild(option); } } function generateRandomQuestion(){ const randomNumber=Math.floor(Math.random() * myApp.length); let hitDuplicate=0; if(myArray.length == 0){ questionIndex=randomNumber; } else{ for(let i=0; i<myArray.length; i++){ if(randomNumber == myArray[i]){ //if duplicate found hitDuplicate=1; } } if(hitDuplicate == 1){ generateRandomQuestion(); return; } else{ questionIndex=randomNumber; } } myArray.push(randomNumber); console.log(myArray) load(); } function check(ele){ const id=ele.id; if(id==myApp[questionIndex].answer){ ele.classList.add(“correct”); score++; scoreBoard(); } else{ ele.classList.add(“wrong”); //show correct option when clicked answer is wrong for(let i=0; i<optionBox.children.length; i++){ if(optionBox.children[i].id==myApp[questionIndex].answer){ optionBox.children[i].classList.add(“show-correct”); } } } attempt++; disableOptions() showAnswerDescription(); showNextQuestionBtn(); stopTimer(); if(number == myApp.length){ quizOver(); } } function timeIsUp(){ showTimeUpText(); //when time is up Show Correct Answer for(let i=0; i<optionBox.children.length; i++){ if(optionBox.children[i].id==myApp[questionIndex].answer){ optionBox.children[i].classList.add(“show-correct”); } } disableOptions() showAnswerDescription(); showNextQuestionBtn(); if(number == myApp.length){ quizOver(); } } function startTimer(){ let timeLimit=30; remainingTime.innerHTML=timeLimit; remainingTime.classList.remove(“less-time”); interval=setInterval(()=>{ timeLimit–; if(timeLimit < 10){ timeLimit=”0″+timeLimit; } if(timeLimit < 6){ remainingTime.classList.add(“less-time”); } remainingTime.innerHTML=timeLimit; if(timeLimit == 0){ clearInterval(interval); timeIsUp(); } },1000) } function stopTimer(){ clearInterval(interval); } function disableOptions(){ for(let i=0; i<optionBox.children.length; i++){ optionBox.children[i].classList.add(“already-answered”) } } function showAnswerDescription(){ if(typeof myApp[questionIndex].description !== ‘undefined’){ answerDescription.classList.add(“show”); answerDescription.innerHTML=myApp[questionIndex].description; } } function hideAnswerDescription(){ answerDescription.classList.remove(“show”); answerDescription.innerHTML=””; } function showNextQuestionBtn(){ nextQuestionBtn.classList.add(“show”); } function hideNextQuestionBtn(){ nextQuestionBtn.classList.remove(“show”); } function showTimeUpText(){ timeUpText.classList.add(“show”); } function hideTimeUpText(){ timeUpText.classList.remove(“show”); } function scoreBoard(){ correctAnswers.innerHTML=score; } nextQuestionBtn.addEventListener(“click”,nextQuestion); function nextQuestion(){ generateRandomQuestion(); hideNextQuestionBtn(); hideAnswerDescription(); hideTimeUpText(); startTimer(); } function quizResult(){ document.querySelector(“.total-questions”).innerHTML=myApp.length; document.querySelector(“.total-attempt”).innerHTML=attempt; document.querySelector(“.total-correct”).innerHTML=score; document.querySelector(“.total-wrong”).innerHTML=attempt-score; const percentage=(score/myApp.length)*100; document.querySelector(“.percentage”).innerHTML=percentage.toFixed(2) +”%”; } function resetQuiz(){ attempt=0; //questionIndex=0; score=0; number=0; myArray=[]; } function quizOver(){ nextQuestionBtn.classList.remove(“show”); seeResultBtn.classList.add(“show”); } seeResultBtn.addEventListener(“click”, ()=>{ quizBox.classList.remove(“show”); seeResultBtn.classList.remove(“show”); quizOverBox.classList.add(“show”); quizResult(); }) startAgainQuizBtn.addEventListener(“click”, ()=>{ quizBox.classList.add(“show”); quizOverBox.classList.remove(“show”); resetQuiz(); nextQuestion(); }) goHomeBtn.addEventListener(“click”, ()=>{ quizOverBox.classList.remove(“show”); quizHomeBox.classList.add(“show”) resetQuiz(); }) startQuizBtn.addEventListener(“click”, ()=>{ quizHomeBox.classList.remove(“show”); quizBox.classList.add(“show”); nextQuestion(); }) //window.onload=()=>{ //} </script> </body> </html> </div> <script> 7 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 8 </script></div><br /><span style=”font-size: xx-large;”><div class=”separator” style=”clear: both; text-align: center;”><br /></div><br /></span><span style=”font-size: large;”><div><a href=”https://test2529.desihindijokes.in/search/label/100%20Marks%20Test”>Click here to attend 100 mark mock test of Talati and junior Clerk and binsachivalay clerk. 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